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Last night I had the immense pricelesge of see the tour Wycliffe are rpoduxonh in partnership with saltmine. We were I’m totton be southapton last night only the 3rd performance of the show and I was totally blown away. My part of the evening was to show video voxpots after the show and shoot some stills around and about. The stills camera ran of of battery so I chilled!
The show starts we three actors ontop a podium high on the stage being go in three persons creating the world brilliant! Then Adam and eve rue. Up and start the humour and so it carries on, I don’t want to spoil of with all the details! But I mist say the fire powder stuff is SO cool! Moments of great contemplation and almost tears ESP as Isaac was about to be sacrificed, don’t often really consider the obedience from Isaac as was as abraham.
All in all the team are incredible multi talented bunch! It was a pleasure to watch I am really proud to be associated with the show!
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