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Well I am sure by now you have got the idea of that the tour was all about. If not .. go check out Friday night saw the very last performance of the 2010 tour and Swindon turned out in force for a truly wonderful performance. Over the past 7 weeks, over 3700 people came to see the Bible performed in just over an hour. Over 1300 people generously sponsored a verse of translation for 4 languages in Nigeria. In fact 250,000 Koro people will have access to more scripture in a language they understand as a result of this tour! We have no idea what the total sponsorship is yet, but we were praying for £30,000.
The team finished really well with a great debrief over breakfast on Saturday. They are a completely amazing team am I feel amazingly privileged to have worked and served with every single one of them. FAR to many amazing things happened on this tour both before and during and I am sure after.
Some very limited highlights: Crawley was Saturday night, at the end of the 5 week of touring dates show number 22. There had been a few complications trying to get in and at the end of a week the team are pretty tired as you can imagine! One thing we prayed for during our nightly post tea prayer time was that tonight’s show would be so fresh. I have never laughed so loud or been soo quiet as during that show. It was amazing!
The gentleman who decided during the appeal that he wished to sponsor the translatoin of the whole of Collosians. He came to be known to the team and others involved, simply as “Collosians man”!