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GLADIATORS ….. ready?

Writer: Tim RobinsonTim Robinson

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So yesterday thanks to the applause store, i had tickets to go see the new series of Gladiators being filmed.  Back in the 90’s (oh that makes me sound old!)  it was one of my favorite TV shows probably aided by scantily clad females, and muscular males, we all wanted to play duel lets be honest!  It went off air for a few years, only to be bought back by Sky earlier in 2008.   To be honest, didn’t like it as much as the original, but then comparing the Birmingham National indoor arena to a small warehouse in Shepperton studios wasn’t ever going to match up!

So 4 of us headed down there, sat in the car for an hour made it to the holding room where everyone was buying their big foam fingers .. eventual made it to the seating it n the studio.   First impressions .. SMALL my word it was small.   Amazed by the set up the lighting, how much equipment was in the room space, excited by the anticipation of what was going to happen.  Staggered by just how many people were involved in making it happen.   Then the guest host as in the guy who was there to entertain us and lead us though the afternoon intro’d himself and explained all that was going on, then he introduced Ian Wright .. yup he is the presenter of the show.   Next slightly surreal moment number one, the runners started to give out banners for the audience to hold.  “we love spartan” and stuff like that …. we were genuinely amazed that the studio had banners for the audience!! A bit of warm up, lots of cheering, and music to get us going, then the first event.   Which lasted 30 seconds, how ever the 2nd girl lasted 5.    And so we sat down again and cheered some more and did some links, and laughed, and sat and cheered and sat an cheered, had a cuppa, and sat, and cheered, and sat and cheered and sat, and got some photos with gladiators .. then cheered and sat, and waited for the video ref, and waited, and sat and cheered and eventually went home.   All the events were done with no music, in quite bar a bit of audience cheering, but with only half an audience the atmosphere was a bit . well wet.   I felt a bit sorry for the contenders, with only half a crowd cheering, it is nothing like the tele where you think there is masses of people with a real buzz, it is very sterile and dry and frankly, not very inspiring!!

Any way, an great experience enjoyed finding out a bit more about how it all works and stuff, fun seeing how NOT bigger than life the glad’s really are quite normal size, and yes their costumers are small ..

But for the true fans .. WOLF is back!! oh yes!!!!

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