This content is over a year old now. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind and realise that not all the links will work. I'm happy to hear from you if you find anything that is broken or dysfunctional, but I may or may not be able to do anything about it!
Well it has been a while since I posted, mostly becuase my allocated posting time has been spent redeveloping the blog.
Ali got back to school and soon as she started, she was off on a biology field trip. Somewehre in north-ish Wales at a very well equipped, well run school research site.
Dan is still enjoying school, we aren’t too sure what he gets up to most days, he isn’t very keen to talk about it when he gets home. The most we get is ” I had fruit at break time” or ” we looked at shapes” any more info is sparce!
I had had a somewhat sureal month. Post Soul Survivor has been an intersting time. My job has changed quite a bit. I am no longer responsible fro 13 – 25’s, the 18+ group connect has been moved from under me. The process was quite painful adn frustrating and led to near resignation, near depression. Fortunately God is totally amazing and despite some bad processing some great thigns have come of it. For starters, my need to recognise my focus has been too much on who I am in my job rather than who I am in Christ. Explained why i got frustrated when my job changed without me knowing it was going to. Good thing to be able to re-focus ones life aiming more at God!!
So that left me with half a job that I have spent a coupel years training someone else to do! Not so great for my career path or motivation, give the above need for re-focussing. so after a few hard conversations, I have picked up a coupel other interesting assignments. As well as helping Steve run WYnet, I shall be heading a project team (that i first need to recruit) to re-design and launch the Wycliffe UK prayer strategy. I’ve also been asked to help the Executive Director do some research and develop a strategy to recruit some new trustees who are under 40.
Quite exciting, quite scarey all at the same time. Would appriciate any prayers you can offer!!