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Of all the countries in the world, why Nigeria?
I visited Nigeria back in Feb last year no thoughts about moving in mind. I was there with my line manager Kent to visit a couple of projects, shoot a video and attend some meetings. Also to explore if Wycliffe UK could have a bigger impact on the work out there.
The more time I spent there, with the projects and the staff, the more I got a sense of wanting to work with them. There is an amazing bunch of people in Nigeria. Just to give you an example, i think it is important to have the right people with the right skills in the right jobs. So when i discovered Ian who is the director, an English man with a young family and he a loves cricket, I was already drawn! To find he has an MA in charity leadership and isn’t just a linguist having his turn in charge, was also encouraging to me.
I am a geek, it is official! I enjoy statistics and those of Nigeria had an impact on me and certainly contributed to exploring if it was a place God was leading us to go.
150 million people (1 in 5 Africans) 500 languages (out of around 7000 world-wide) 24 bibles about 100 projects on the go and still 300 that need starting.
Now I am no linguist by any means, i have 2 languages at best, good English and bad English, but there are so many non-linguistics based jobs that need doing in order to facilitate Bible Translation. I enjoy numbers and accounting, I enjoy strategy development and thrashing out ideas. Whilst I was talking to Ian I discovered in his Nigeria group strategy they plan to NOT start any more projects himself, but focus resources, time and energy into supporting the 4 other organisations that are involved in Bible Translation in Nigeria.  Now to me, that was simply brilliant thinking for the 21st century.
Look out for the next post all about what we’ll be gettign up to.
A huge need, a great team, an opportunity for us to have an impact in part of the world that needs it.
Obviously we are all going, so I thought I’d take a moment and ask Dan a few questions about what he thinks.