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Greetings from Jos!
Well, it has been an interesting month what with a combination of an SIL Nigeria Church Leaders’ Open Day, a couple of trips to the Koro area for Tim, Financial Year End processes, illness, Strategy meetings and a 10 day visit from 7 overseas visitors including one staying in our house with us. Not to mention Nigerian Independence Day and Dan’s mid-semester break.
Now that I look back I wonder how we fitted it all in!
A few highlights:
Around 150 Church Leaders came to the SIL Nigeria Open Day! This means that the message of the potential for life transformation through the Bible in people’s heart language is getting out there into the Nigerian church.
Tim Visited 4 langue projects with a fellow SIL Colleague and spent time looking at how the projects are working and how we can adjust some things to work better. They talked about 5 topics in each place: Ownership, Partnership, Relationship, Stewardship and Impact. (more pictures) These visits coincided with the dedication of several books in the Nyankpa language. (more pictures)
A team of 7 people came to visit us and assess and advise on better ways to get the right man-power that is desperately needed in Nigeria to tackle the huge number of remaining translation needs that we have. One of the team, Noel Harrison, a friend of Tim’s family, stayed with us. It was great to get to know him much better and to have the privilege to introduce him to a bit of Nigeria. It was in fact his first time in Africa although he is very well travelled in other parts of the world.
Tim also got to take the visiting team to visit 2 language projects in the Koro area. (more pictures) It is always exciting when you can connect those who work in vital administrative roles with the people they are ultimately serving. Sometimes their roles seem very removed from the “cutting edge” but without them there could be no “cutting edge”.
A couple of challenges:
I was down with some sort of stomach virus for about a week, Dan has had a 24 hour vomiting bug and Tim also had a period of being under the weather (sidenote – where on earth does that saying originate from?!).
Financial Year End has been on going with a lot of changes having to be made at the last minute to the set up of the budgets for the new financial year. This has meant Tim pulling several late nighters.
Please thank God for all the things he has enabled us to do this month!
For solutions to the not terribly smooth parts of Year End!
That all things we have been involved with will bear good fruit and ultimately result in more Nigerians with lives changed as a result of better access to God’s transforming word.
That we would remain physically and spiritually healthy as we continue to serve.