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Robinson Ministry update — 29th March 2018

Writer: Tim RobinsonTim Robinson

This content is over a year old now. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind and realise that not all the links will work. I'm happy to hear from you if you find anything that is broken or dysfunctional, but I may or may not be able to do anything about it!

Morning all!

Happy Easter! He is risen!

Dan had a week off school last week for his spring break. He and the upstairs kids decided that they wanted to organise a carnival (think fete/fair). They came up with about 8 stalls including archery, face painting, bowling, board games, chalk drawing, soccer shot. And then, having not had a proper rain in 6 months, it poured down all day on the day they had planned it! I tell you this just so that you know that it is not just the UK that that happens in! Thankfully they were able to postpone it for a day and do it the next day instead when we had the perfect weather (maybe a little less like the UK!).

Tim has been doing more travelling than usual as he visits a number of language projects around the country. His most recent visit was to the Gbari language community near the capital, Abuja. He, along with a couple of others from our organisation were meeting with the local language committee and church leaders to discuss several issues that had come up. The discussions covered everything from what the language development and translation priorities for the project should be, to the workers salaries, to what formats to publish the scripture in, print/audio etc. What was encouraging was to see that throughout the discussions there was a real sense of the community taking ownership and responsibility for the project and not just expecting it to be run and resourced by our, to them, external organisation.  This is very much Tim’s aim in many of the meetings that he has and will be having with language communities – to see the language speakers taking ownership and driving the direction of the scripture translation and language development in their language. Then we are simply coming alongside and offering our expertise to enable them to achieve their goals.

My tiredness and lack of full strength dragged on for rather longer than a simple missing of thryoxine would account for so I ended up having a range of blood tests done to try and isolate the issue. It turned out that I had malaria! A malaria treatment and more resting later and I am feeling much better. I still have to watch my energy levels carefully but I am mostly back to normal.

It may seem a little early but we are starting to plan for our furlough in the UK this summer, lots of people to see and money to raise. If you have been thinking about supporting us financially and maybe just haven’t quite gotten around to it, or have a question about it, do let us know!

If you have time to pray for us, please do, we value and need your prayers!


  1. Ali finally getting back on her feet

  2. Kids had fun putting on their “carnival”

  3. Tim’s trip to Gbari was successful and encouraging


  1. Blessed Easter reminding us why we do what we do!

  2. Peace as we make our furlough plans

  3. That I will make wise decisions about how I use my time as I fully recover my strength

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