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Robinson Ministry Update – 31st May 2019

Writer: Tim RobinsonTim Robinson

This content is over a year old now. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind and realise that not all the links will work. I'm happy to hear from you if you find anything that is broken or dysfunctional, but I may or may not be able to do anything about it!

Good morning! (If it is indeed morning where you are)

The trees are dripping with mangos and everything else is just plain dripping. Definitely rainy season!

Tim is back from his trip to the UK. He had an encouraging time at the missionaries and leadership conferences. One of the highlights of his time in the UK was being able to visit an Elim church in Crewe that has started supporting us and to spend some time connecting with one of the families there.

Sharing the importance of having access to scripture you can understand New Life Community Chruch in Crewe, 19th May 2019 PC:Keith Jackson

Dan has finished school for this year, yes, I know, already! He is enjoying a quieter pace of life after the hectic-ness of the end of term with exams and being in the High School play and the concert. We had to work out his choices for next year a week or so before the end of term and it is looking like he is going to have quite a brain straining year next year. He will be taking two classes that are usually taken in the year above the one he will be in (Algebra 2 and Chemistry) and a class in Computer Science Principles that is roughly equivalent to an A-level (an AP for those of you in the know). The advantage of all this is that he will have more options open to him in the last two years of school and fewer absolute requirements that he has to fulfil which will give him a good bit of flexibility.

I (Ali) felt a bit like I was back at school last week (as a teacher anyway) as I had the opportunity to do a lesson observation for a colleague. He is preparing to go to South Sudan to lead a language survey but first has to actually train up the others who will be doing the survey with him. He has not done much teaching before so needed to get some practice and feedback beforehand so I sat in on him training some interns in survey techniques here in Nigeria. It was great to be able to use my teacher training to help someone else become a better teacher. I love the variety of the things I get to do in my job!

We have a lot of new staff who have come in over the last few weeks, one who is only here for a couple of weeks (but that we hope will come back longer term), a few others for a couple of months and three coming for the long term. I think all of them had some sort of delay or challenge in the days and weeks leading up to arriving here, but they all made it! We are thankful that God continues to call people to Nigeria and that people continue to obey his calling!

Please do pray for us if you can.


  1. Dan has finished the year well and has time now to rest

  2. Tim is back from the UK and can get stuck back into work


  1. Dan will use his summer well and find productive things to occupy himself

  2. I (Ali) will find a good balance over the summer of work and spending time with Dan

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