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Morning from Jos the Green! The rains have come in earnest and the trees are blooming. The rain has acted like a highly effective hair restorer, encouraging the grass to fill in all the bald patches of ground. It is a little hot and sticky but worth it to see all the new growth after so many months of dry dustiness.
We have had a busy few weeks. Tim (with Sunny Ude, the Computer Department manager) travelled to Niger State again, this time quite a bit further on up north, to visit the language committees for several language programs that are getting going up there. One of SIL’s fundamental beliefs is that language program should be owned and driven by the community, based on the communities needs and supported by the communities resources where possible. In order to help achieve this, each language program normally has a committee made up of individuals of good standing in the community. Tim was working with the new committees to help them think through their roles and how the project can help to meet their community’s specific needs for scripture.
It was a lot of travelling, about 5 days, for 1 1/2 days of training! It was worth it to see people taking ownership and showing a desire to commit to making things happen. And along the way Tim and Sunny were also able to meet up with three other language projects and spend a bit of time encouraging and helping them.
Dan has been busy celebrating the approaching end to his time in middle school. His class had a Banquet which translated as “an excuse to get all dressed up for a few hours, eat some food then get changed and play silly games and watch a movie and have a sleep-over at the retreat centre in near-by Miango”. He came back shattered but having had a good time.
Dan has also been making his choices for the first year of High School which was a little challenging. There is a fairly high chance that he will want to go to university in the UK so we had to do a fair bit of research into how they will view US High School qualifications. Thankfully UK universities are used to International Students coming with diverse qualifications but it does mean that Dan will need to make sure he takes some specific courses here that would not be required if he was going to college in the US. It took us a while but we think we have our heads around it now and he is on track to come out with everything he needs!
Tim is off again in a few days time, this time a little further afield. He is going to Malaysia for 2 weeks for a big SIL conference with his Language Project management hat on. Meanwhile we are still gearing up for furlough, trying to get where-we-will-be-when sorted out. It definitely feels like the countdown has started, we fly out in 21 days time!Please do take time to pray for us, I was reminded earlier today of the passage in Romans (15:30) where Paul says
“I urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to join in my struggle by praying to God for me”.
There are definitely times when our service to God feels like a struggle and we do indeed urge you to join us in it by praying for us! We very much believe in and have experienced God’s action in our lives as a result of your prayers.
Dan had a fun experience with his 8th Grade “Banquet”
Dan was able to make good choices for High School
Tim’s safe travel and encouraging times in Niger State
Safe travels and beneficial meetings in Malaysia for Tim
For Dan and Ali while Tim is away
Final preparations for furlough to go according to God’s plan!