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I have been thinking, and to some extent been struggling with this for a while, this guys sums it ALL up for me in one swoop .. excellent!!! I am young (ish) and don’t think about this stuff in the same way as many, and often feel frustrated about how we try an use it. I appreciate very much a meeting i gatecrashed this morning with a few other folks talking about how can we use all this stuff for Wycliffe? I came out encouraged that there were other people who thought like me after all!
All In: Diving Into Social Media
Mark 2: 22 “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But New wine must be put into new wineskins.”
Follow me now – and please don’t take this as an exegisis of this Scripture passage. I’m chewing on something and honestly it’s still stirring in me, so you’re reading thoughts in development – kind of like me thinking out loud. If “new wine must be put into new wineskins”, I think new strategies and tools to reach, connect, engage and mobilize people must be employed with new mindsets.
The following is from my friend, Bill Seaver’s, MicroExplosion blog:
[…A lot of companies are considering trying some new marketing approaches these days. They have become enamored or curious about the new social media tools that are widely publicized and are trying to determine how it can work for them. This is a good spot to be in, but I’ve realized something is still missing. What’s missing is the appropriate mindset needed to use the social media tools, techniques, and stategies well. The old mindset won’t work with the new tools. They don’t mix. Seth Godin wrote an entire book about that called Meatball Sundae.
New marketing only works with the new mindset. Simply using the new tools with the old mindset won’t bring about the marketing change you need and want…]
Thanks Eddie for passing this on